Generally, I tend not to reply to repost requests anymore, not because I'm trying to be rude, but it just got to the point where I had accumulated such a large backlog of them that I stopped replying altogether. I have saved all of them though, and out of everything that I've posted, I think I've gotten more requests for a repost of the Guy Lafleur disco album than practically anything else.
I know it's been quiet here for the last little while, but I figured with all the hockey-fuelled Olympic celebration here this past Sunday (fellow Canucks, you know what I'm talking about), I thought this would be a good time to finally get to this.
I had originally wanted to re-rip both the French and English albums, since I'd acquired a new and better cartridge/needle since the original post, but with my copy of the English LP being as warped as it is, that unfortunately didn't work out. Luckily, after a bit of frantic searching, I'd managed to dig up the burned CD that I had made from the original rips. After pumping up the volume a little and putting them through a tiny bit of noise reduction, here they are again..
Aside from the music itself, I'd also put up a few more pictures and made a few edits to the original post. In doing so, saw that one of the album's producers, Peter Alves had left a comment behind on the post. It's not too often that I get comments from artists and producers, so that was a nice surprise.
Anyway, with this out of the way, maybe this'll finally get all you hockey fans off my back.. (Just kidding, of course). For all of you getting a taste of this for the first (or second) time, enjoy this little artifact from the disco era. To refresh your memories, here's a news story from the CBC Archives, covering the album's release party.
RetroBites: Disco Guy Lafleur
Uploaded by CBCtv
Great article for a stunning blog ! ....and I would love to discover those Lafleur tracks but they are already unavailable from Zshare! Some helph ?
hello, if you're having trouble with the individual zshare links, there should be a small square underneath the individual file links. click on that for a different download link.
Thanks Tommy - Everything is back to normal - maybe some Disco buf :-) ...Thanks again for this so unknown LP ! I was missing your posts ! Nicko (Paris- France)
Happy to see you posting again!
This looks right up my alley X
I won't even bring up the fact that I was at a release party for this album...at Regine's club in Montreal. Patsy and Celine Lomez were there too.
Yikes !!
this works my sweet puss puss to the bone. the level of camp is beyond the Grey Garden variety.
sorry but could u repost "Grand Tour - Still I'm Sad" ?
the link expired!
thanks for the grand tour album post... amazing!
hi, saying hello. hope you post more soon. XXX
It’s posts like this that keep me coming back and checking this site regularly, thanks for the info!
Oh God, thank you so much. I heard "Scoring" on the music blog The 365 Days Project and have eagerly anticipating hearing the rest some day.
can't wait to see your new posts!
Man those spam adverts above bug the bejesus out of me!
Just letting you know that I am sure I am not alone in looking forward to a new post from Disco Delivery! Over the last year I have been trawling through your posts and interviews and it is such a treasure trove of music and information!
Anyway, hope everything is good!
@ Apollo
What's XXX?
This is without a doubt the greatest album ever mad. Thank you.
We miss you.
thakns for this post
kirain tempat lagu disco
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